Postloader 4.1.6 : Loader de backups

Postloader est un homebrew qui permet de lancer des backups de jeux Wii stockés sur périphériques USB (disque dur ou clé) en FAT32, NTFS.

Tous les changements :

postLoader 4.1.6
* Fixed diconfig.bin parsing with neek2o r96. This version of postLoader is NO
MORE compatible with older neek2o versions.

postloader 4.1.5
* usb in neek2o is now accessed via ums (thx overjoy for the info). neek2o > r86 may be required.

postLoader 4.1.4
* postloader will now write (something) on usb dev when starting. Some hdd (basically on wd elements usb 3) are really slow on first write after reloading ios.
* Disabled debug output (please request debug versions if needed)

priibooter_gui 4.9

* Button press is checked also when fading out

postloader 4.1.3
* Added support for LULZ HBC title id
* Added a fade in effect when showing the gui
* Better managment of parental control. Advanced options are now hidden, not the full menu. Now only way to disable it is pressing the "config" button

priibooter_gui 4.8

* Added support for LULZ HBC title id
* Added option to start postloader using the channel. This will grant that AHBPROT is disabled. Works better with plforwarder.5.1.5.wad (available in the dist package)
* Faster fade in/out

plforwarder.5.1.5.wad is inside the zip, to not break modmii ;)

Forwarder vWii inclus dans l'archive. officiel :

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